Dogs, Cats, and Other Fauna

This is a selection of works made almost exclusively for fundraisers.

"Harold had the gift of optimism, even in the face of ...."
Paper and acrylic on canvas • 12"x12" • Sold

“Trixie was certain that her life was better now, but she couldn’t help but wonder what Bobby Sue and Todd were up to.”
Paper and acrylic on canvas • 12”x12” • Sold

“For months Gloria had studied Karl. She knew now that it was her feeling for him which was lending enchantment to her life.”
Paper and acrylic with oil pastel [cloud] on canvas • 12”x12” • Sold

Jerry, the Itch
Paper and acrylic on canvas • 12”x12” • Sold

Rose Precarious
Paper and acrylic on canvas • 12”x12” • Sold

No Hiding Place
Paper and acrylic on canvas • 12”x12” • Sold

"Tommy Liked to Believe He Was David Bowie's Dog"
Paper and acrylic on canvas • 12"x12" • Sold

“Come the night you’re only what I want.”
Paper and acrylic on canvas • 12”x12” • Sold

“Night Comes In, Like Some Cool River”
Paper and acrylic on canvas • 12”x12” * Sold

"Some Nights, Mabel Felt She Was Carrying the Weight of the World (By Morning Everything Was Much Better)"
Acrylic and paper with glass beads and polymer clay on canvas • 12x12 • Sold

Holds a Challenge (The Hail Storm)
Paper and acrylic on canvas • 12”x12” • Sold

What Was That? (Frances at the edge of civilization)
Paper and acrylic on canvas • 12”x12” • Sold

Bodhi or Chuck was suddenly struck
Paper and acrylic on canvas • 12”x12” • Sold

A Meal in the Morning
Paper and acrylic on canvas • 12"x12" • Sold